IPSL is a market leader in public and private investment promotion for sovereign governments in Africa and Caribbean pacific countries. It maintains a large network of international and private investors, with interest in key sectors and regions. We design and deliver projects for a wide range of stakeholders interested in harnessing the global flow of capital for development purposes. Ipsl has particular expertise in the field of project finance services in the following,

We are hugely involved in the energy sector which deals with the production and distribution of energy needed to power the economy and facilitate the means of production and transportation.

Oil & Gas

We intend to engage in the exploration, production, refinement and distribution of oil and gas. IPSL is an outstanding partner in sector. Currently holding investment interest in 300km product pipe line and massive tank farm projects in west Africa sub region.


We are relevant players in the mining sector which is dedicated to the location and extraction of metal and mineral reserves around the world. Global reserves of metals and minerals are mined for profit and then used in jewelry-making, industrial applications, and investments. The sector has a significant number of companies located internationally and operates with large revenues.


We develop physical structures and systems including transportation, communication network, health, social and green infrastructure that offer basic fundamental and foundational services that are important to the security and economic growth of a nation. These all-important structures and systems tend to be capital intensive and high cost investments, however IPSL with its expertise in negotiations and syndication make such problematic task an easy- peas to promote and improve the quality of life of stakeholders who are our utmost priority.

Business Consulting

Successful experience of experts in structuring investment projects, developing and implementing.

Project Management

We are working in the format of an outsourcing project office. We assume operational coordination.